Monday 28 May 2012

50th anniversary party at Esch

Delightful weekend at Esch-sur-Alzette, celebrating the theatre's 50th anniversary, lots of acts and dignitaries were in evidence... including the Lady Mayoress, who was very complimentary.
Mike announced that the group had first been to the theatre 25 years ago, so glad the maths was nicely compartmentalised... roll on 2037..
One of our fellow acts was the Natural Theatre Company, who were glorious in their 'nakedness' (as well as a pleasure to chat to in the meal afterwards!) - we follow each other around the theatres of Europe; so good to actually be on the same bill.
We are back at the theatre to celebrate 2013 - on January 1st - it will be wonderful to be there again...

1 comment:

oversetter said...

This was a great party - so happy I took the time to go.