Saturday 14 January 2012

Pärnu, Estonia

We are being spoilt out here... another fine hall in which to sing - this time in Pärnu...
Still understanding our Estonian (!) - and especially tickled tonight by ribald comment on Richard's hormonal imbalance... what larks!
...and we experienced an Estonian supermarket [another genius ida of Enno's] for snackage on the trip home... very economical, and good too; tho' Mike is not sure he will try the dried croaker fish again...

On to the second city of Estonia [population: 100,000] on Sunday...
We have Saturday to explore Tallinn (where we have been staying all the while)...

1 comment:

Terje said...

Hello! I enjoyed Your contcert yesterday in Pärnu!
Could You go to Pärnu in summer? Pärnu is the summer capital of Estonia!
"Kui mina alles noor veel olin" - this song can sing every Estonian - but not with last three words ("mängisin, silmaga, oksa peal....) I like - Your information about Estonia (good driver?) and very good harmony!!
You are always welcome!