Saturday, 15 November 2014

Hameln & Haus der Springmaus

It wasn't so Grimm in Hameln ! (geddit??!!)

No Pied Pipers whisked anyone off whilst we did a Best of British in Hameln...
We had lunch here which was nice... splendid old town in the midst of a circular road... very picturesque...

...and the flag-waving was great.  Good participation all round.
Excellent to meet Dorothee once more at the theatre... great staff and venue.

Then on to Bonn...
For this tour we are with our old friend Paul Plummer on piano... he has been with us most often in our 11 trips to Haus der Springmaus.

Terrific to have Paul there as it was a 'farewell Richard' concert... (he is already clanking with bottles and can't walk for the weight of chocolate and gifts! - but don't stop, will you?)
Wonderful to see Andrea Heister who runs Haus der Springmaus, as ever, and old friend Ingeborg in the audience...
We repeated our Born 2 Rule Over You Horrible Histories song, as we sang as part of the 300th anniversary of the Hannoverian throne of Great Britain... and it went down very well!

Excellent willing and appreciative audiences in both venues... as we have come to expect in Germany

We are very lucky to have another friend Birgit to help sell our CDs (in fact to do it completely!) - she's very good at getting shot of Cricket Tea Towels... we have none left (17 gone in two days!)... She is with us for most of this tour - a delight - and such a great help too...

On to Nienburg & Bremerhaven next...

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