We were invited by a friend of ours, Rupert Preston-Bell, to perform in the National Liberal Club - it was born with political affiliation (started by Gladstone), but is now for the liberal-inclined rather than the political! - and a fine time we had too.
A great early evening concert, allowing people to get home or eat out after - a very convivial evening was had by all. We had a splendid audience in the David Lloyd-George Room & enjoyed it all tremendously.
Then last weekend, we had a terrific trip to Bergen - our first outing to Norway.
We were part of the Festival of Song run by the Bergen Opera, and shared a concert firstly with the wonderful Janie Dee - even singing and dancing He's a Tramp with her - what a privilege; accompanied brilliantly by Stephen Higgins at the piano.
...and also in the Nachspiel after this show (this is a bonus gig event after), we sang with the brilliant Edvard Grieg Kor - singing together Richard Rodney Bennett's Fanfare.

It was an excellent trip - fantastic to work with Janie - such a star! - & also to work with teh Edvard Grieg Kor - a glorious 8-part ensemble, who sang a great Jonathan Rathbone arrangement of Yesterday quite beautifully, led by their MD & old friend, Paul Robinson.
A marvellous trip to Norway was topped off by a boat-trip around the fjords on a fabulously sunny day, piloted by another old friend (and manager of EGK) Simon Kirkbride.
And tonight we are back Live at Zédel - at the Crazy Coqs in central London - with Chris Hatt (fresh from the #Hamilton pit) and once more singing He's a Tramp with the excellent young Mhairi Angus.
Exciting times... more London dates at Zédel, the Pheasantry & The London Library and more...